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Eighth American presidential election of 1816

1816 election map

Cg-realms (current)AndyHogan14 (original), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


The 1816 election took place from Friday, November 1 - Wednesday, December 4, 1816.


Final tickets

  • Democratic-Republican Party
  • Federalist Party (unofficial)
  • Campaining & major issues

    Federalists could not campaign on much. Most Americans were happy with the result of the War of 1812, and the Federalists were unpopular as they had opposed it. James Madison had also started to adopt a few Federalist policies, so less people saw a point in the party existing.

    Electoral college & turn-out

    The electoral stayed the same at 217 electors; 109 needed to win. 112,370 people voted in this election.


    First place: James Monroe & Daniel Tompkins

    183/217 electoral votes

    68.2% of the popular vote

    Second place: Rufus King & John Eager Howard

    22/217 electoral votes

    30.9% of the popular vote

    Third place: Rufus King & James Ross

    5/217 electoral votes

    Popular vote unknown

    Fourth place: Rufus King & John Marshall

    4/217 electoral votes

    Popular vote unknown

    Fifth place: Rufus King & Robert Goodloe Harper

    3/217 electoral votes

    Popular vote unknown

    0.4% of the popular vote went to other candidates.

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