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Cg-realms (current)AndyHogan14 (original), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
The 1832 election took place from Friday, November 2 - Wednesday, December 5, 1832.
This election was (unofficially) the first the Whig Party ran in. Some were unhappy with Andrew Jackson and called him "King Andrew". He had radical ideas like getting rid of the second bank of the United States and getting rid of the electoral college. This and all the vetoes he gave caused him to be criticized. Vice president John Calhoun resigned and so Jackson had nominated Martin Van Buren, the creator of the Democratic party. The Anti-Masonic party was notable for being the first major third-party in the United States and being the first to have a party convention, which is now the standard today.
The electoral college increased to 286 electors; 145 needed to win. 1,293,973 people voted.
189/286 electoral votes
54.23% of the popular vote
49/286 electoral votes
37.42% of the popular vote
30/286 electoral votes
Popular vote unknown
11/286 electoral votes
Popular vote unknown
7/286 electoral votes
7.78% of the popular vote
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