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Twenty-fifth American presidential election of 1884

1884 election map

No attribution available, from Wikimedia Commons


The 1884 election took place on Tuesday, November 4, 1884.


  • Democratic Party
  • Republican Party
  • Prohibition Party
  • Equal Rights Party
  • Final tickets

  • Republican Party
  • Republican ticket 1884
  • Democratic Party
  • Democratic ticket 1884
  • Prohibition Party
  • Equal Rights Party
  • Campaining & major issues

    In 1881, President James Garfield was assassinated. His vice president, Chester Arthur, took over. Chester Arthur wasn't really a good nor bad president, and he's one of the most forgettable presidents just because of how nothing eventful happened under his presidency. That also meant there were no major issues in this election. Chinese immigration was brought up, but both sides thought it should be limited. Thus created the first time an election was truly based on nothing else except character, and it was the first time in a long time where the election just got nasty between the two candidates. The only reason John St. John was mentioned was because of how weird of a candidate he was, and Lockwood because she was the second ever woman to run for president, and the first to have a true campaign. However, none of them stood a chance.

    Electoral college & turn-out

    The electoral college consisted of 401 electors; 201 needed to win. 10,060,145 people voted in this election.


  • First place (winner): Grover Cleveland & Thomas Hendricks
  • Second place: James Blaine & John Logan
  • Third place: John St. John & William Daniel
  • Fourth place: Belva Ann Lockwood & Marietta Stow
  • Other attributions (listed from top to bottom)

    Boston: J.H. Bufford's Sons, publishers, c. 1884., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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