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Twenty-ninth American presidential election of 1900

1900 election map

No attribution available, from Wikimedia Commons


The 1900 election took place on Tuesday, November 6, 1900.


  • Republican party
  • Democratic party
  • Prohibition party
  • Socialist party
  • Final tickets

    1900 Republican ticket

    Republican party: William McKinley for president & Theodore Roosevelt for vice president

    1900 Democratic ticket

    Democratic, Lincoln Republican, Fusionist, & Anti-Imperialist party: William Jennings Bryan for president & Adlai Stevenson for vice president

    Prohibition party: John Woolley for president & Henry Metcalf for vice president

    1900 Socialist ticket

    Socialist party: Eugene Debs for president & Job Harriman for vice president

    Campaining & major issues

    William McKinley's presidency was probably the most eventful presidency in between Abraham Lincoln and Woodrow Wilson. He was more of an imperialist president, and began the Spanish-American war, one that the United States easily won. The economy had also begun to boom again under McKinley's administration. The Philippine-American war (which took place after the Spanish-American war) was definitely not a highlight, as it was very sketchy. However, McKinley was popular in the eyes of Americans. The Democrats, though, thought they could take McKinley down, and once again nominated William Jennings Bryan as he was still charismatic and notable. Like the previous election of 1896, other third parties also nominated Bryan, once again making it seem like everyone was against McKinley. Theodore Roosevelt, who was nominated for vice president in this election, was originally reluctant in being vice president. McKinley's former vice president, Garret Hobart, had died, and Roosevelt was chosen due to being a war hero in the Spanish-American war. Roosevelt would eventually agree to be vice president, however. I only mention the prohibition and socialist parties not only due to their uniqueness, but since this was the first election that they were well-known. However, of course, they did not stand a chance.

    Electoral college & turn-out

    The electoral college contained 447 electors; 224 needed to win. 13,997,426 people voted in this election.


  • First place (winner): William McKinley & Theodore Roosevelt
  • Second place: William Jennings Bryan & Adlai Stevenson
  • Third place: John Woolley & Henry Metcalf
  • Fourth place: Eugene Debs & Job Harriman
  • Other attributions (listed from top to bottom)

    See page for author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

    Internet Archive Book Images, No restrictions, via Wikimedia Commons

    San Francisco Call, Public domain, via Wikimedia Co

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