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Thirty-fifth American presidential election of 1924

1924 election map

derivative work: SteveSimsElectoralCollege1992.svgBlank_US_Map.svg, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


The 1924 election took place on Tuesday, November 4, 1924.


  • Republican party
  • At the 1924 Republican National Convention, it was pretty non-eventful. Frank Orren Lowden had actually been requested to be Coolidge's running mate, but he declined.

  • Democratic party
  • The 1924 Democratic National Convention was very eventful. The reason for this is that there were many issues regarding the Klu Klux Klan. The DNC remained divided on the issue, and whether they should publicly condemn the KKK or not.

  • Progressive party
  • This party (which was different from Theodore Roosevelt's progressive party in 1912) was formed by Robert La Follette as he was upset that the candidates of both parties in this election were conservative. He created the party for liberals who didn't support either candidate.

    Final tickets

    Coolidge & Dawes together
  • Republican party: Calvin Coolidge (left) for president & Charles Dawes (right) for vice president
  • John DavisCharles Bryan
  • Democratic party: John Davis (left) for president & Charles Bryan (right) for vice president
  • Robert La Follette & Burton Wheeler
  • Progressive party: Robert La Follette (left) for president & Burton Wheeler (right) for vice president
  • Campaining & major issues

    In 1923, one year before this election, President Harding died. Though he is remembered horribly today for the Teapot Dome Scandal, people in 1924 weren't fully aware of his connections with it yet, and his vice president and now incumbent president Calvin Coolidge remained popular. The Democrats knew they had a tough time, as the economy was prospering and there were no true issues. Therefore, they ran John Davis, who was more conservative. Robert La Follette, a Senator from Wisconsin, was upset about this and created the second Progressive party to attract liberals who didn't like neither candidate.

    Electoral college & turn-out

    The electoral college consisted of 531 electors; 266 needed to win. 29,097,107 people voted in this election.


  • First place (winner): Calvin Coolidge & Charles Dawes
  • Second place: John Davis & Charles Bryan
  • Third place: Robert La Follette & Burton Wheeler
  • 0.53% of the popular vote went to other candidates.
  • Other attributions

    Coolidge & Dawes: Harris & Ewing, photographer, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

    John Davis: Harris & Ewing, photographer, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

    Charles Bryan: ChasW+WmJBryan.jpg: Uncredited Bain News Service photographerderivative work: Jospe, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

    La Follette & Wheeler: Harris & Ewing, photographer, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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