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Charles Milton Bell, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Chester Alan Arthur was the 21st president of the United States from 1881-1885. He had shortly served as vice president under James Garfield until his death in September 1881. Garfield's assassin had actually wanted Garfield to die since Arthur, a member of the Stalwart faction in the Republican party, would take over. Because of this, there were some theories that a conspiracy involving Arthur occurred, but it was debunked. Arthur was also criticized because many thought he was born in Canada, which would have made him ineligible to be president, though this was also debunked. Arthur originally ran for re-election in the 1884 election, but due to health problems and heavy competition in the Republican party, he dropped out shortly after.
Arthur was born on October 5, 1829 in Fairfield, Vermont. Many claimed he was born in Canada, but this was debunked.
Arthur died on November 18, 1886 in New York City.
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