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Franklin Pierce was the 14th president who served from 1853 - 1857. Pierce was a Democrat elected in the 1852 election. Pierce is considered to be one of the worst presidents because he failed to help the rising issue of slavery and signed the Kansas-Nebraska Act. However, many overlook the Gadsden Purchase, which occurred when he was president. Though these were good things, it didn't really help his presidency, and he's still viewed very negatively. In his daily life, Pierce was very unlucky, and many historians (ThatPresidentGuy included) feel bad for him. For example, before he was even inaugurated as president, he was involved in a train accident which killed his last surviving son. Yes, that's right, his only son that was still alive to see his election died in a train accident. He had problems in his daily life before, during and after his presidency.
Pierce was born on November 23, 1804 in Hillsborough, New Hampshire.
Pierce died on October 8, 1869 in Concord, New Hampshire.
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