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Fourth American presidential election of 1800

1800 election map

AndyHogan14, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

NOTE: Until the election of 1804, the second place winner would be vice president. According to the original Constitutional electoral process, electors would choose two candidates to give an electoral vote to.


The election of 1800 took place from October 31 - December 3, 1800.

Presidential candidates

  • Federalist party
  • Democratic-Republican party
  • Campaigning & major issues

    As a result of the 1796 election and the original Constitution, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson had to awkwardly work together as president and vice president despite being political rivals. Therefore, in this election, both parties chose a presidential and vice presidential candidate, hoping that electors who voted for their candidate would also vote for their vice presidential candidate. This was the last election before the twelfth amendment to the Constitution was ratified. Federalists attacked Democratic-Republicans for being "radical atheists" while Democratic-Republicans criticized Federalists and Adams for favoring Britain and for the Alien & Sedition Acts. The campaining was so bitter and brutal, giving this election the nickname, "The Political Revolution of 1800".

    Electoral college & turn-out

    The electoral college stayed the same since 1796, with 70 electoral votes needed to win; 138 in total. A total of 75,142 people voted.


    NOTE: Votes for Federalist electors were assigned to Adams, Democratic-Republican votes attached to Jefferson.

    First place (president-elect): Thomas Jefferson & Aaron Burr

    73/138 electoral votes

    Jefferson: 60.5% of the popular vote

    Burr: popular vote unknown

    Second place: John Adams

    65/138 electoral votes

    39.4% of the popular vote

    Third place: Charles Cotesworth Pinckney

    64/138 electoral votes

    Popular vote unknown

    Fourth place: John Jay

    1/138 electoral votes

    Popular vote unknown

    House of Representatives vote in 1801

    Because both Jefferson & Burr got 73 electoral votes, they technically tied. Because of this, the House of Representatives had to choose which one would become president and which one would be vice president. It was the outgoing House that voted which was still Federalist controlled. The final results were:

    First place (president-elect): Thomas Jefferson

    10/16 votes

    Second place (vice president-elect): Aaron Burr

    4/16 votes

    Two members of the House did not cast a ballot.

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