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Thirty-third American presidential election of 1916

1916 election map

AndyHogan14, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


The 1916 election took place on Tuesday, November 7, 1916.


  • Republican party
  • Democratic party
  • Socialist party
  • Prohibition party
  • Final tickets

    Charles Hughes and Charles Fairbanks sitting together

    Charles Hughes (left) for president, Charles Fairbanks (right) for vice president

    1916 Democratic campaign button

    Woodrow Wilson for president, Thomas Marshall for vice president

    Allan Benson for president, George Kirkpatrick for vice president

    Frank Hanly for president, Ira Landrith for vice president

    Campaining & major issues

    At first, Woodrow Wilson's presidency was a very standard one. However, this would change when World War I broke out in Europe. Wilson kept a policy of neutrality, especially as more Americans saw the horrors of the war, such as the trench fighting and later, the use of chemical gases. The Democrats used this to their advantage, using the slogan "He kept us out of war". Hughes pushed back by saying that Wilson was not getting the United States prepared for a war situation, though not stating that the United States should, could or would join the war. The key in this election was that most people did not want to be involved in the war, meaning that Hughe's statements may have made many Americans uneasy. Still, though, the Democrats were the underdog party, and the Republicans were still massively popular, and had been united since the last election.

    Electoral college & turn-out

    The electoral college remained at 531 electoral votes; 266 needed to win. 18,536,585 people voted in this election.


  • First place (winner): Woodrow Wilson & Thomas Marshall
  • Second place: Charles Hughes & Charles Fairbanks
  • Third place: Allan Benson & George Kirkpatrick
  • Fourth place: Frank Hanly & Ira Landrith
  • Other attributions (listed from top to bottom)

    Bain News Service, publisher, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


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