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Fifth American presidential election of 1804

Cg-realms (current)AndyHogan14 (original), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


The presidential election of 1804 was from Friday, November 2 - December 5, 1804.

Presidential candidates

Campaining & major issues

Federalists knew they would have a tough time trying to defeat the popular Jefferson. However, they still tried. They criticized Jefferson's Louisiana Purchase for being unconstitutional and said he had an affair with one of his slaves. However, a lot of the Federalist's chances to win were destroyed when their party leader, Alexander Hamilton, was shot and killed in a duel. Because of this, the party had a lot of disorganization with no leader.

Electoral college & turn-out

The electoral college increased to 176 electoral votes; 89 needed to win. 143,029 people voted in this election.


First place: Thomas Jefferson & George Clinton

162/176 electoral votes

72.8% of the popular vote

Second place: Charles Cotesworth Pinckney & Rufus King

14/176 electoral votes

27.2% of the popular vote

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