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Ninth American presidential election of 1820

1820 election map

Cg-realms (current)AndyHogan14 (original), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


The election of 1820 took place from Wednesday, November 1 - Wednesday, December 6, 1820.


Final tickets

Campaining & major issues

After the defeat in the 1816 election, the Federalist party was in shambles in this election. Some wanted DeWitt Clinton, but most of the remaining Federalists who still did not want to vote for Monroe decided to vote for "No candidate" out of protest.

Electoral college & turn-out

The electoral college had increased to 235, but three electors died before the voting process. Missouri's statehood was also disputed, so the count was counted with and without Missouri's electoral votes. This page will display the results with Missouri's votes, as without is just three less from the total (232) and three less of James Monroe's votes. John Quincy Adam's votes remained the same. 118 votes are needed to win; 108,359 people voted.


First place: James Monroe & Daniel Tompkins

231/232 electoral votes

80.61% of the popular vote

Second place: John Quincy Adams

1/232 electoral votes

2.04% of the popular vote

Third place: "No candidate"

No electoral votes

16.12% of the popular vote

Fourth place: DeWitt Clinton

No electoral votes

1.75% of the popular vote

1.53% voted for other candidates.

The one electoral vote for John Quincy Adams was from a faithless elector.

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