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Seventeenth American presidential election of 1852

1852 election map

Cg-realms (current)AndyHogan14 (original), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


The 1852 election took place on Tuesday, November 2, 1852.


  • Democratic Party
  • Whig Party
  • Free Soil Party
  • Final tickets

  • Democratic Party
  • Whig Party
  • Free Soil Party
  • Campaining & major issues

    On July 9, 1850, President Taylor died. His vice president, Millard Fillmore, took over. He passed the Compromise of 1850 and the Fugitive Slave Act. Because of this, he was popular with the South and unpopular with the North. The Whig party was beginning to split over the expanding issue of slavery. However, with the election itself, there weren't that many issues. The campaining was based more on each candidate's personalities. At first, Winfield Scott was popular because he was a general in the Mexican-American war, until it was figured out that Franklin Pierce was a brigadier general in the war. The Democrats adopted a slogan, "The Whigs we Polked in fourty-four, we'll Pierce in fifty-two", poking fun at the names of Pierce and James Polk.

    Electoral college & turn-out

    The electoral college had increased to 296 votes; 149 needed to win. 3,161,830 people voted in this election.


    NOTE: Daniel Webster recieved votes even though he had died a few days before the election.

    First place (winner): Franklin Pierce & William R. King

    254/296 electoral votes

    50.84% of the popular vote

    Second place: Winfield Scott & William Graham

    42/296 electoral votes

    43.87% of the popular vote

    Third place: John P. Hale & George Washington Julian

    No electoral votes

    4.91% of the popular vote

    Fourth place: Daniel Webster & Charles J. Jenkins

    No electoral votes

    0.22% of the popular vote

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