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Election of 1912

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Thirty-second United States presidential election of 1912

1912 election map

Nakor, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


The 1912 election took place on Tuesday, November 5, 1912.


  • Republican party
  • Democratic party
  • Progressive "Bull Moose" Party
  • Socialist party
  • Final tickets

    Republican ticket 1912. Actual image is from 1908

    William Howard Taft for president & James Sherman for vice president

    Democratic ticket 1912

    Woodrow Wilson for president & Thomas Marshall for vice president

    Progressive ticket 1912

    Theodore Roosevelt for president & Hiram Johnson for vice president

    Socialist ticket 1912

    Eugene Debs for president & Emil Seidel for vice president

    Campaining & major issues

    Before I go into detail, I recommend you first read about the 1908 election. Once you finish, then continue here. After the 1908 election, everyone seem shocked when they realized that Taft was not an exact copy of Roosevelt. Taft was more conservative, and while he continued to enact many Roosevelt policies, he also pushed away others, like conservation. It infuriated enough people to have Roosevelt run for a third term against his former friend, Taft. Once friends, now enemies. At the 1912 Republican National Convention, Taft and Roosevelt went head-to-head, competing for the nomination, but enough Taft delegates were able to sway it their way, and Taft got the Republican nomination. Roosevelt, along with his political supporters, marched out of the convention, and created a new political party known as the Progressive Party. (there have been three progressive parties in American history, this is the first one) Roosevelt was nominated by this new party and competed for the presidency. Meanwhile, the Democrats now had a golden opportunity. Though they hadn't won the presidency since 1892, a divided Republican party could sway the election their way. Two other notable things happened during the election. First was when Roosevelt famously finished a speech after being shot in the chest, with the bullet not being fatal due to Roosevelt's speech paper blocking it. Second was when a week before the election, Taft's running mate, James Sherman, died and was replaced with Nicholas Murray Butler, the president of Columbia University.

    Electoral college & turn-out

    With Arizona's admission into the Union, the electoral college increased to 531 electors; 266 needed to win. 15,048,834 people voted in this election.


  • First place (winner): Woodrow Wilson & Thomas Marshall
  • Second place: Theodore Roosevelt & Hiram Johnson
  • Third place: William Howard Taft & Nicholas Murray Butler
  • Fourth place: Eugene Debs & Emil Seidel
  • 1.6% of the population voted for other candidates.
  • Other attributions (listed from top to bottom)

    See page for author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

    Miscellaneous Items in High Demand, PPOC, Library of Congress, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

    Cornell University Library, No restrictions, via Wikimedia Commons

    No attribution available, from Wikimedia Commons