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Fifteenth American presidential election of 1844

1844 election map

Cg-realms (current)AndyHogan14 (original), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


The 1844 election took place from Friday, November 1 - Wednesday, December 4, 1844. It was the last election that took place for several days.


  • Democratic Party
  • Whig Party
  • Liberty Party
  • Final tickets

  • Democratic Party
  • Democratic ticket 1844
  • Whig Party
  • Whig ticket 1844
  • Liberty Party
  • Campaining & major issues

    Just one month after William Henry Harrison became president, he died. He was the first president to die and served the shortest presidency in history. His vice president, John Tyler, was unpopular with both the Whig party and the Democratic Party. He tried to run in this election but dropped out and supported James Polk. The big issue was over the Texas Annexation. Polk believed in "Manifest Destiny", the belief that America should expand whenever and wherever possible. However, Henry Clay was against it, and he thought he was more popular as he was supported by Northerners who didn't want slavery to expand into Texas and southerners who thought the new state would make their slaves less valuable. Polk is known as being the first notable Dark Horse candidate, meaning that before the election, he wasn't well known.

    Electoral college & turn-out

    The electoral college decreased to 275 electoral votes; 138 needed to win. 2,703,659 people voted.


    First place (winner): James Polk & George Dallas

    170/275 electoral votes

    49.54% of the popular vote

    Second place: Henry Clay & Theodore Frelinghuysen

    105/275 electoral votes

    48.08% of the popular vote

    Third place: James Birney & Thomas Morris

    No electoral votes

    2.3% of the popular vote

    Other attributions

    Democratic banner: Nathaniel Currier firm, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

    Whig banner: Nathaniel Currier, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

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